Arizona Senate Majority Caucus Warns of Government Shutdown If Gov. Katie Hobbs Vetoes the Newley Passed Budget

The Arizona State House and Senate have officially passed a “skinny budget” to continue funding state agencies. The ball now falls in Gov. Katie Hobbs’s (D) court to sign or veto the budget, and the Senate Majority Caucus said it expects Hobbs to “do the right thing.”

“We [the caucus] believe it would be quite foolish for Governor Hobbs to veto this budget. We are proceeding under the assumption that she will do the right thing. If she does veto this budget, then she will be responsible for a government shutdown,” Caucus spokeswoman Kim Quintero told The Arizona Sun Times via email.

The Sun Times also reached out to the House majority team but did not hear back before press time.

While the Senate passed its budget bills along party lines at the beginning of February, the House passed its mirror budget Monday. The House attempted to pass this budget on February 6th but ran into a hiccup when one Republican member voted no.

Freshman State Representative Liz Harris (R-Chandler) was the single no-vote on the budget that came to the House floor on February 6th, denying the Republicans a necessary 31-vote majority. As reported by, Harris vowed not to vote for any legislation until the 2022 November election was redone. She reportedly said her vote against the continuation budget was because it spent too much money, but the budget she voted in favor of Monday was the same one she voted against.

In any case, Harris’s switch to a yes vote allowed the budget to pass along party lines. State House Speaker Ben Toma (R-Peoria) said this budget is right for Arizona.

“House Republicans have acted today to pass a responsible state budget. It’s one that was crafted with the needs of the state, and of Arizona’s families in mind, families who are struggling during this economic recession caused by reckless federal overspending and far-left priorities,” said Toma. “It was the right budget for the people of Arizona then, and it’s the right one today. Governor Hobbs should sign this budget.”

As reported by The Sun Times, this skinny budget has been in the works since January. The $15.1 billion continuation budget provides nearly the same funding allocated to state agencies in the bipartisan state budget passed in 2022 under Former Gov. Doug Ducey (R), with some differences and adjustments for inflation.

“This budget maintains our [the House’s] commitment from last year to invest in Az water future with an additional 333 million to the Water Infrastructure [Finance] Authority. Securing our future with investment in education infrastructure law enforcement and water is paramount,” said State Representative Tim Dunn (R-Yuma).

However, as the Senate Majority Caucus stated, another important reason for passing the budget is to avoid a potential government shutdown. A new spending plan for the state is needed by July 1st, and if the governor and legislature cannot come to an agreement, a shutdown could ensue.

“Arizona House passes budget to avoid Arizona shutdown. Will Governor Hobbs Veto this bipartisan budget or will she do what’s right for every resident of Arizona,” tweeted State House Majority Leader Leo Biasiucci (R-Lake Havasu).

However, Hobbs publicly stated she has no interest in signing a continuation, saying it does nothing to “move our state forward.” Hobbs introduced her own desired $17.1 billion budget in January. Yet, she has no authority to enforce her monetary priorities, and several Republican Legislators stated her desires are a nonstarter for them.

Republican state senators said they would be willing to work with Hobbs and Democrat legislators on allocating excess funds, but only after their continuation budget gets the governor’s signature.

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Neil Jones is a reporter for The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Neil on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Katie Hobbs” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Arizona Capitol” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.


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